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Potassium Chlorochromate, CrO2.OK.Cl

Potassium Chlorochromate, CrO2.OK.Cl, may be obtained (a) by warming together a mixture of potassium dichromate and concentrated hydrochloric acid; (b) by the action of chromyl chloride upon a solution of potassium chloride or upon aqueous potassium chromate acidified with acetic acid; (c) by fusion of potassium dichromate with chromic chloride; or (d) by interaction of phosphorus trichloride and potassium dichromate.

Potassium chlorochromate crystallises in the monoclinic system (prismatic):

a:b:c = 0.9653:1:1.0174; β = 90° 20',

isomorphous with the corresponding ammonium salt. The crystals are brownish red in colour, have density 2.497, and are decomposed by fusion:

4CrO2.OK.Cl = K2Cr2O7 + Cr2O3 + 2KCl + Cl2 + O2.

With sulphuric acid, chromyl chloride is produced.

Rubidium Chromate, Rb2CrO4, crystallises in the bipyramidal class of the rhombic system:

a:b:c = 0.5665:1:0.7490;

it is obtained by interaction of chromic acid and rubidium carbonate, or fusion of chromium sesquioxide with rubidium nitrate. The double salt, Rb2Mg(CrO4)2.6H2O, has been prepared.

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