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Bismuth Chromate

The neutral salt is not known. The metal shows an exceptionally marked tendency to form double salts, and a very large number of basic chromates have been described. It has been shown by Cox, however, from an investigation of the conditions under which the chromates of bismuth are capable of existing in solutions of chromic acid, that in accordance with the phase rule only two such compounds, Bi2O3.4CrO3 and Bi2O3.2CrO3, definitely exist. The former yields orange-scarlet monoclinic prisms, decomposed by water and by heat; the latter is an orange-yellow powder, which is sometimes called bismuthyl dichromate, (BiO)2Cr2O7.

It must be assumed, therefore, that most of the basic salts described in the literature are not true compounds, or at least that they do not exist in the system Bi2O3-CrO3-H2O; however, some may exist in such a system as K2O-Bi2O3-CrO3-H2O; for example, the compounds 3Bi2O3.2CrO3 and 3Bi2O3.CrO3 appear to be stable in alkaline solutions.

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